WWW Site - Documentation - Tools

plotview tool


Plot multiple vectors from a data set.


The plotview tool displays a GUI for showing a series of plots of vectors stored in another tool. Individual plots can be displayed or hidden or saved to a file.

The plotview constructor creates the GUI and takes a data object (log, vec) and a plot object (gnu, matlab) as arguments.

The vectors in the data object are converted to individual plots. The 2nd thru Nth vectors are each plotted against the 1st vector to create N-1 plots. One or more plots can be displayed simultaneously (right buttons in GUI), but only one is selected at a time (left buttons in GUI). The yes(), no(), and select() methods perform the same function as the GUI buttons.

The currently selected plot can be modified (title, range, etc) by the methods of the plot object.

The file() and save() methods (or corresponding GUI widgets) save the currently selected plot to a PostScript file.


p = plotview(d,pl)      create GUI for viewing plots 
  d = object that contains vectors (log, vec)
  pl = plotting object (gnu, matlab)             select one plot as current (1-N)
p.yes(3)                toggle one plot's visibility 
  only one plot is selected at a time
  multiple plots can be visible at same time
  select is same as clicking on left-side radio-button
  yes/no is same as clicking on right-side checkbox 
p.x = "Time"            which vector is X vector (1st vec by default)
p.file("pressure")      filename prefix for saving a plot                save currently selected plot to file.eps 

Related tools:

log, gnu, matlab


Python Tkinter package.