WWW Site - Documentation - Tools

vec tool


Create numeric vectors from columns in file or list of vecs.


The vec tool creates numeric vectors that can be extracted, written to files, or imported into other tools like plotview for plotting.

The vec constructor takes either a file or list argument. For a file argument, columns of numeric data are read from the file. Blank lines or lines that do not start with a numeric character (0123456789.-) are skipped. Each column must have the same number of values. For a list argument, each element of the list is assumed to be a vector of values (i.e. the list is a list of lists), as shown in the example below.

The columns of data may be accessed by number (1-N) or by name ("col1" thru "colN").

The get() and write() methods extract the numeric vectors of data.


v = vec("file1")                    read in numeric vectors from a file
v = vec(array)                      array = list of numeric vectors 
  skip blank lines and lines that start with non-numeric characters
  example array with 2 vecs = [[1,2,3,4,5], [10,20,30,40,50]]
  assigns names = "col1", "col2", etc 
nvec = v.nvec                       # of vectors
nlen = v.nlen		            lengths of vectors
names = v.names		            list of vector names
x,y,... = l.get(1,"col2",...)       return one or more vectors of values
l.write("file.txt")	            write all vectors to a file
l.write("file.txt","col1",7,...)    write listed vectors to a file 
  get and write allow abbreviated (uniquely) vector names or digits (1-Nvec) 

Related tools:

data, dump

Prerequisites: none