The test programs (apps) in the test dir illustrate how to use fftMPI. They also enable experiementation with and benchmarking of the various methods and options that fftMPI supports. All of the apps can be launched on any number of processors (including a single processor) via mpirun.
Here are example launch commands. Those without a leading mpirun will run on a single processor:
% simple % simple_f90 % mpirun -np 12 simple % mpirun -np 4 simple_c % mpirun -np 8 python
The simple apps take no command-line arguments. To change the size of the FFT you need to edit the 3 "FFT size" lines near the top of each file.
% test3d -g 100 100 100 -n 50 % test3d_c -g 100 100 100 -n 50 -m 1 -i step % mpirun -np 8 test3d_f90 -g 100 100 100 -n 50 -c all % mpirun -np 16 test2d -g 1000 2000 -n 100 -t details % mpirun -np 4 test2d_c -g 500 500 -n 1000 -i 492893 -v % test2d_f90 -g 256 256 -n 1000 % python -g 100 100 100 -n 50 % mpirun -np 16 python -g 100 100 100 -n 50
The test apps take a variety of optional command-line arguments, all of which are explained below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To run the Python apps, you must enable Python to find the fftMPI shared library and src/ wrapper script. To run the Python apps in parallel, you must have mpi4py installed in your Python. See the usage doc page for details on both these topics.
All possible command-line arguments are listed here. All the setttings have default values, so you only need to specify those you wish to change. Additional details are explained below. An explanation of the output of the test programs is also given below.
The test3d (C++) and test3d_c (C) and (Python) apps perform 3d FFTs and use identical command-line arguments. The test2d (C++) and test2d_c (C) and (Python) apps perform 2d FFTs and take identical arguments to the 3d apps except as noted below for -g, -pin, or -pout.
Note that all the 3d apps should produce identical numerical results, and give very similar performance to each other, since the work is being done by the fftMPI library. Ditto for the 2d apps.
% test3d switch args switch args ... % test2d switch args switch args ...
-h = print help message -g Nx Ny Nz = grid size (default = 8 8 8) (no Nz for 2d) -pin Px Py Pz = proc grid (default = 0 0 0) (no Pz for 2d) specify 3d grid of procs for initial partition 0 0 0 = code chooses Px Py Pz, will be bricks (rectangles for 2d) -pout Px Py Pz = proc grid (default = 0 0 0) (no Pz for 2d) specify 3d grid of procs for final partition 0 0 0 = code chooses Px Py Pz will be bricks for mode = 0/2 (rectangles for 2d) will be z pencils for mode = 1/3 (y pencils for 2d) -n Nloop = iteration count (default = 1) can use 0 if -tune enabled, then will be set by tuning operation -m 0/1/2/3 = FFT mode (default = 0) 0 = 1 iteration = forward full FFT, backward full FFT 1 = 1 iteration = forward convolution FFT, backward convolution FFT 2 = 1 iteration = just forward full FFT 3 = 1 iteration = just forward convolution FFT full FFT returns data to original layout forward convolution FFT is brick -> z-pencil (y-pencil in 2d) backward convolution FFT is z-pencil -> brick (y-pencil in 2d) -i zero/step/index/82783 = initialization (default = zero) zero = initialize grid with 0.0 step = initialize with 3d step function (2d step function in 2d) index = ascending integers 1 to Nx+Ny+Nz (Nx+Ny in 2d) digits = random number seed -tune nper tmax extra nper = # of FFTs per trial run tmax = tune within tmax CPU secs, 0.0 = unlimited extra = 1 for detailed timing of trial runs, else 0 -c point/all/combo = communication flag (default = point) point = point-to-point comm all = use MPI_all2all collective combo = point for pencil2brick, all2all for pencil2pencil -e pencil/brick = exchange flag (default = pencil) pencil = pencil to pencil data exchange (4 stages for full FFT) (3 for 2d) brick = brick to pencil data exchange (6 stages for full FFT) (4 for 2d) -p array/ptr/memcpy pack/unpack methods for data remapping (default = memcpy) array = array based ptr = pointer based memcpy = memcpy based -t = provide more timing details (not set by default) include timing breakdown, not just summary -r = remap only, no 1d FFTs (not set by default) useful for debugging -o = output initial/final grid (not set by default) only useful for small problems -v = verify correctness of answer (not set by default) only possible for FFT mode = 0/1
The -g option is for the FFT grid size.
The -pin and -pout options determine how the FFT grid is partitioned across processors before and after the FFT.
The -n option is the number of iterations (FFTs) to perform. Note that for modes 0 and 1, each iteration will involve 2 FFTs (forward and backward).
The -m option selects the mode, which chooses between full FFTs versus convolution FFTs and determines what 1 iteration means. For full FFTs, a forward FFT returns data to its original decomposition. Likewise for an backward FFT. For convolution FFTS, the data is left in a z-pencil decomposition after a 3d forward FFT or a y-pencil decomposition after a 2d forward FFT. The backward FFT starts from the z- or y-pencil decomposition and returns the data to its original decomposition.
The -i option determines how the values in the FFT grid are initialized.
The -tune option performs an auto-tuning operation before it performs the FFTs. It sets the values that could be otherwise specified by the -c, -e, -p options. So if those options are also specified, they are ignored if -tune is specified. See the library tune API for details on the auto-tuning procedure.
The -c option is specified as point or all or combo. It determines whether point2point or all2all communication is performed when the FFT grid data is moved to new processors between successive 1d FFTs. See the library setup API for details.
The -e option is specified as pencil or brick. For 3d FFTs with pencil, there are 4 communication stages for a full FFT: brick -> x-pencil -> y-pencil -> z-pencil -> brick. Or 3 for a 3d convoultion FFT (last stage is skipped). Or 3 for a full 2d FFT (no z-pencil decomposition). Or 2 for a 2d convolution FFT. For 3d FFTs with brick, there are 6 communication stages for a full FFT: brick -> x-pencil -> brick -> y-pencil -> brick -> z-pencil -> brick. Or 5 for a 3d convoultion FFT (last stage is skipped). Or 4 for a full 2d FFT (no z-pencil decomposition). Or 3 for a 2d convolution FFT. See the library setup API for details.
The -p option is specified as array or ptr or memcpy. This setting determins what low-level methods are used for packing and unpacking FFT data that is sent as messages via MPI. See the library setup API for details.
The -t option produces more timing output by the test app.
The -r option performs no 1d FFTs, it only moves the FFT grid data (remap) between processors.
The -o option prints out grid values before and after the FFTs and is useful for debugging. It should only be used for small grids, else the volume of output can be immense.
The -v option verifies a correct result after all the FFTs are complete. FFT is performed. The results for each grid point should be within epsilon of the starting values. It can only be used for modes 0 and 1, when both forward and backward FFTs are performed.
This run on a desktop machine (dual-socket Broadwell CPU):
% mpirun -np 16 test3d -g 128 128 128 -n 10 -t -tune 5 10.0 0
proudced the following output:
3d FFTs with KISS library, precision = double Grid size: 128 128 128 initial proc grid: 2 2 4 x pencil proc grid: 1 4 4 y pencil proc grid: 4 1 4 z pencil proc grid: 4 4 1 3d brick proc grid: 2 2 4 final proc grid: 2 2 4 Tuning trials & iterations: 9 5 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 0 0 2 0.030088 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 0 1 2 0.0400121 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 1 0 2 0.0360526 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 1 1 2 0.0448938 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 0 2 0.0250025 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 2 0.0238482 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 0 0.0225584 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 1 0.0203406 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 2 0.018153 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 forward and 10 back FFTs on 16 procs Collective, exchange, pack methods: 2 1 2 Memory usage (per-proc) for FFT grid = 2 MBytes Memory usage (per-proc) by FFT lib = 3.0008 MBytes Initialize grid = 0.00136495 secs FFT setup = 0.000128984 secs FFT tune = 2.7151 secs Time for 3d FFTs = 0.35673 secs time/fft3d = 0.0178365 secs flop rate for 3d FFTs = 11.4977 Gflops Time for 1d FFTs only = 0.127282 secs time/fft1d = 0.0063641 secs fraction of time in 1d FFTs = 0.356802 Time for remaps only = 0.219896 secs fraction of time in remaps = 0.616422 Time for remap #1 = 0.028487 secs fraction of time in remap #1 = 0.0798558 Time for remap #2 = 0.065825 secs fraction of time in remap #2 = 0.184523 Time for remap #3 = 0.0849571 secs fraction of time in remap #3 = 0.238155 Time for remap #4 = 0.0452759 secs fraction of time in remap #4 = 0.126919
3d FFTs with KISS library, precision = double
What 1d FFT library was used, also single vs double precision
Grid size: 128 128 128 initial proc grid: 2 2 4 x pencil proc grid: 1 4 4 y pencil proc grid: 4 1 4 z pencil proc grid: 4 4 1 3d brick proc grid: 2 2 4 final proc grid: 2 2 4
The global FFT grid size and how many processors the grid was partitioned by in each dimension (xyz in this case). The initial and final proc grids are the partitioning for input and output to/from the FFTs. The xyz pencil proc grids are the partitioning for intermediate steps when "-e pencil" is used. The 3d brick proc grid is the intermediate step when "-e brick" is used.
Tuning trials & iterations: 9 5 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 0 0 2 0.030088 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 0 1 2 0.0400121 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 1 0 2 0.0360526 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 1 1 2 0.0448938 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 0 2 0.0250025 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 2 0.0238482 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 0 0.0225584 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 1 0.0203406 0 0 0 0 0 0 coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: 2 1 2 0.018153 0 0 0 0 0 0
This output is only produced when the "-tune" option is used. In this case 9 tuning trials were run, each for 5 iterations (5 or 10 FFTs depending on the -m mode). The "coll exch pack" settings for the 9 runs are listed next. These correspond to the "-c", "-e", "-p" settings described above:
The timings for each trial are listed following the coll/exch/pack settings. The 3dFFT timing is the total time for the trial. In this case the other timings are 0.0 because the -tune extra setting was 0. If it had been 1, then an additional timing breakdown for each trial run would be output.
In this case all 6 permutations of "-c" and "-e" were tried. Then the 3 -p options were used with the fastest of the previous 6 runs. The fastest run of all was with -c = 2 (combo), -e = 1 (brick), and -p = 2 (memcpy).
The number of trials and the number of iterations/trial can be adjusted by the tune() method of fffMPI to limit the tuning to the specified -tune tmax setting.
10 forward and 10 back FFTs on 16 procs
Collective, exchange, pack methods: 2 1 2 Memory usage (per-proc) for FFT grid = 2 MBytes Memory usage (per-proc) by FFT lib = 3.0008 MBytes
These are the number of FFTs that were performed for the timing results that follow. They were run with the coll/exch/pack settings shown, which are the optimal settings from the tuning trials in this case. The first memory usage line is for the FFT grid owned by the test app. The second memory usage line is for the MPI send/receive buffers and other data allocated internally for this problem by fftMPI.
Initialize grid = 0.00136495 secs FFT setup = 0.000128984 secs FFT tune = 2.7151 secs Time for 3d FFTs = 0.35673 secs time/fft3d = 0.0178365 secs flop rate for 3d FFTs = 11.4977 Gflops
This is the timing breakdown of both the setup (initialize by app, FFT setup by fftMPI), the tuning (if performed), and the FFTs themselves. The time per FFT is also give, as well as the flop rate. There are 5Nlog2(N) flops performed in an FFT, where N is the total number of 2d or 3d grid points and the log is base 2. The flop rate is aggregate across all the processors.
Time for 1d FFTs only = 0.127282 secs time/fft1d = 0.0063641 secs fraction of time in 1d FFTs = 0.356802 Time for remaps only = 0.219896 secs fraction of time in remaps = 0.616422 Time for remap #1 = 0.028487 secs fraction of time in remap #1 = 0.0798558 Time for remap #2 = 0.065825 secs fraction of time in remap #2 = 0.184523 Time for remap #3 = 0.0849571 secs fraction of time in remap #3 = 0.238155 Time for remap #4 = 0.0452759 secs fraction of time in remap #4 = 0.126919
This extra output is only produced if the "-t" option is used. It gives a breakdown of where the total FFT time was spent. The breakdown is roughly: total = 1d FFTs + remaps. In this case 100% = 36% + 62%. And total remap = remap #1 + #2 + #3 + #4. In this case 62% = 8% + 12% + 24% + 13%. The summations are not exact (i.e. they don't sum exactly to 100%), because the breakdown timings are performed by separate runs, and timings are not exactly reproducible from run to run. There can also be load-imbalance effects when full FFTs are timed by themselves, versus individual components being run and timed individually.
The remaps operations include the cost for data movement (from one processor to another) and data reordering (on-processor) operations. In this 3d case, there were 4 flavors of remap. From initial grid to x pencils (#1), from x to y pencils (#2), from y to z pencils (#3), and from z pencils to final grid (same as initial grid). Depending on the choice of mode, some of these remaps may not be performed. Also, for modes 0,1 there are 2 FFTs per iteration, so the per-remap timings are averaged over the communication required in both the forward and backward directions. E.g. remap #3 would be the average time for y to z pencil for the forward FFT, and z to y pencil for the backward FFT.