This fftMPI method performs auto-tuning of the collective, exchange, and packflag variables listed on the setup dic page to determine which settings produce the fastest FFT. The code examples at the bottom of the page are for 3d FFTs. Just replace "3d" by "2d" for 2d FFTs. Note that the tune() method has a 3d and 2d version.
An alternative to the tune() method is the setup() method described on the setup API doc page. In this case the 3 variables are set explicitly before calling setup(). One or the other method must be invoked before computing actual FFTs, but not both.
void tune(int nfast, int nmid, int nslow, // 3d verion int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo, int in_jhi, int in_klo, int in_khi, int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, int out_jhi, int out_klo, int out_khi, int permute, int &fftsize, int &sendsize, int &recvsize, int flag, int niter, double tmax, int tflag);
void tune(int nfast, int nslow, // 2d verion int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo, int in_jhi, int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, int out_jhi, int permute, int &fftsize, int &sendsize, int &recvsize, int flag, int niter, double tmax, int tflag);
The tune() method sets the internal values of the collective, exchange, packflag variables discussed on the setup API doc page by performing a series of trial runs, where one or more FFTs with the global grid size and data layout.
The trial FFTs use dummy FFT grids allocated internally by fftMPI and filled with zeroes. If memory is an issue in your application, it does not need to allocate its own memory for FFT grids until after tune() is complete.
The final values of the 3 variables can be queried after tuning is complete via the methods discussed on the stats API doc page.
All the arguments from nfast to recvsize have the same meaning for tune() as they do for the setup() method, discssed on the setup API doc page. This means all the FFT trials will be run on the same size global grid and with the same initial/final data tilings as the eventual actual FFTs.
If flag is set to 0, pairs of forward and backward FFTs are performed in the trials. If flag is set to 1, only forward FFTs are performed in the trials. If flag is set to -1, only backward FFTs are performed in the trials.
The niter argument sets how many FFTs are performed in each trial (or pairs of FFTs for flag = 0).
The tmax argument sets a time limit (in CPU seconds) for how long the tune operation will take. A value of 0.0 means no time limit is enforced.
If tflag is set to 0, only full FFTs will be timed. If tflag is set to 1, 1d FFTs and data remapping operations will also be timed.
Timing data for all operations (2d/3d FFT, optional 1d FFTs only, optional data remappings) for each timing trial can be queried after tuning is complete via the methods discussed on the stats API doc page.
A sequence of 9 trial runs is performed as follows:
If performing all 9 trials with niter FFTs per trial will take more time than tmax, the following logic is invoked to limit the tuning time:
void *fft; // set by fft3d_create() int nfast,nmid,nslow; int in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi; int out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi; int permute,fftsize,sendsize,recvsize; int flag,niter,tflag; double tmax;
fft->tune(nfast,nmid,nslow, in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi, out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi, permute,fftsize,sendsize,recvsize, flag,niter,tmax,tflag);
The "fft" pointer is created by instantiating an instance of the FFT3d class.
The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.
int nfast,nmid,nslow; int in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi; int out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi; int permute,fftsize,sendsize,recvsize; int flag,niter,tflag; double tmax;
fft3d_tune(fft,nfast,nmid,nslow, in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi, out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi, permute,&fftsize,&sendsize,&recvsize, flag,niter,tmax,tflag);
The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.
type(c_ptr) :: fft ! set by fft3d_create()
integer nfast,nmid,nslow integer in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi integer out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi integer permute,fftsize,sendsize,recvsize inteter flag,niter,tflag real(8) tmax
call fft3d_tune(fft,nfast,nmid,nslow, & in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi, & out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi, & permute,fftsize,sendsize,recvsize, flag,niter,tmax,tflag)
For Fortran the "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices then range from 1 to N inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow. Unlike the other languages discussed on this page where the indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive.
fftsize,sendsize,recvsize = fft.tune(nfast,nmid,nslow,in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi, out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi,permute, flag,niter,tmax,tflag)
The "fft" object is created by instantiating an instance of the FFT3dMPI class.
The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.