fftMPI documentation

API for FFT only_1d_ffts(), only_remaps(), only_one_remap()

These methods and variables are generally only useful to call or access when doing performance testing or debugging. The methods perform lower-level operations that are part of FFTs. The variables store info about how an FFT is computed or timing breakdowns for trial runs performed by the tune() method. See the test/test3d.cpp and its timing() method for examples of how they can be accessed and output.

The code examples at the bottom of the page are for 3d FFTs. Just replace "3d" by "2d" for 2d FFTs. Note that a few of the variables listed in the API section do not exist for 2d FFTs.


void only_1d_ffts(FFT_SCALAR *in, int flag);
void only_remaps(FFT_SCALAR *in, FFT_SCALAR *out, int flag);
void only_one_remap(FFT_SCALAR *in, FFT_SCALAR *out, int flag, int which); 
int collective,exchange,packflag; // 3 values caller can set
int64_t memusage;                 // memory usage in bytes 
int npfast1,npfast2,npfast3;      // size of pencil decomp in fast dim
int npmid1,npmid2,npmid3;         // ditto for mid dim
int npslow1,npslow2,npslow3;      // ditto for slow dim
int npbrick1,npbrick2,npbrick3;   // size of brick decomp in 3 dims 
int ntrial;                            // # of tuning trial runs
int npertrial;                         // # of FFTs per trial
int cbest,ebest,pbest;                 // fastest setting for coll,exch,pack
int cflags[10],eflags[10],pflags[10];  // same 3 settings for each trial
double besttime;                       // fastest single 3d FFT time
double setuptime;                      // setup() time after tuning
double tfft[10];                     // single 3d FFT time for each trial
double t1d[10];                      // 1d FFT time for each trial
double tremap[10];                   // total remap time for each trial
double tremap1[10],tremap2[10],tremap3[10],tremap4[10];  // per-remap time for each trial 
char *fft1d;                // name of 1d FFT lib
char *precision;            // precision of FFTs, "single" or "double" 

The 3 "only" methods perform only portions of an FFT, so that they can be timed seperately by the calling app. The "in" and "out" pointers have the same meaning as for the compute() method. The data they point to should be initialized to zero by the caller.

For only_1d_ffts(), 3 sets of 1d ffts (fast, mid, slow) are performed if the 3d case, and 2 sets for 2d (just fast, slow). No data remapping is performed. Only an "in" buffer is passed to this method, since the 1d FFTs are always done in place. Since a processor may own more data at intermediate stages of the FFT than it does initially, the data buffer should be of size "fftsize" and all be initialized to zero. Fftsize is the buffer length returned by the setup() method or tune() method.

For only_remaps(), all the data remappings for the FFT are performed, but no 1d FFTs. The flag value is 1 for a forward FFT and -1 for an backward FFT, the same as the flag value for the compute() method.

For only_one_remap(), a single data remappings within the FFT is performed (no 1d FFTs). The flag value is 1 for a forward FFT and -1 for an backward FFT. The "which" argument is one of 1,2,3,4 for a 3d FFT, and one of 1,2,3 for a 2d FFT. For a forward 3d FFT, 1 = initial remap from input layout to x-pencils, 2 = remap from x to y-pencils, 3 = remap from y to z-pencils, 4 = remap from z-pencils to output layout. For an backward 3d FFT each of the which = 1,2,3,4 is the same, except the remap is in the other direction. E.g. which = 3 is a remap from z to y-pencils. A 2d FFT is the same except there is no y to z-pencils remap for a forward FFT.

The variable lines in the API section above are names of public variables within the FFT class which can be accessed by the caller. Their data types are one of the following: int (32-bit integer), int64_t (64-bit integer), double (64-bit floating point), char * (string), int *, double *. The latter two are vectors of values.

The collective,exchange,packflag values are set by the caller (or defaults) when using the setup() method They are set by fftMPI when using the tune() method. Memusage is the size (on each processor) of the internal memory allocated by fftMPI for send and receive buffers.

The 4 lines of variables that begin with "np" are info about the processor decompositions of the global FFT grid at different stages of the FFT. Fast, mid, slow refer to the x, y, z-pencil decompositions between stages of 1d FFTs. Brick refer to a 3d brick (or 2d rectangle) decomposition which is used when exchange = 1 (brick). See the setup() method doc page for details.

The large set of variables begining is output generated by the tune() method. Refer to its doc page for details on trials and FFTs/trial (npertrial). The various input flags and timing outputs for each trial are stored in vectors.

To access these variables from C, Fortran, Python, there are get() functions which need to be called. See syntax details in the code examples below.


work = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(2*fftsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR)); 
printf("3d FFTs with %s library, precision = %s\n",
printf("Memory usage (per-proc) by fftMPI = %g MBytes\n",
       (double) fft->memusage / 1024/1024); 
printf("Tuning trials & iterations: %d %d\n",fft->ntrial,fft->npertrial);
for (int i = 0; i < fft->ntrial; i++)
  printf("  coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: "
         "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",

The "fft" pointer is created by instantiating an instance of the FFT3d class.

The FFT_SCALAR datatype is defined by fftMPI to be "double" (64-bit) or "float" (32-bit) for double-precision or single-precision FFTs.


void *fft;     // set by fft3d_create()
work = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(2*fftsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR)); 
int tmp;
char *fft1d = fft3d_get_string(fft,"fft1d",&tmp),
char *precision = fft3d_get_string(fft,"precision",&tmp);
printf("3d FFTs with %s library, precision = %s\n",fft1d,precision); 
double memusage = (double) fft3d_get_int64(fft,"memusage") / 1024/1024;
printf("Memory usage (per-proc) by fftMPI = %g MBytes\n",memusage); 
int ntrial = fft3d_get_int(fft,"ntrial");
int npertrial = fft3d_get_int(fft,"npertrial");
int npertrial = fft3d_get_int(fft,"npertrial"//c_null_char)
printf("Tuning trials & iterations: %d %d\n",ntrial,npertrial);
int *cflags = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"cflags",&tmp);
int *eflags = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"eflags",&tmp);
int *pflags = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"pflags",&tmp);
double *tfft = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tfft",&tmp);
double *t1d = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"t1d",&tmp);
double *tremap = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap",&tmp);
double *tremap1 = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap1",&tmp);
double *tremap2 = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap2",&tmp);
double *tremap3 = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap3",&tmp);
double *tremap4 = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap4",&tmp);
for (int i = 0; i < ntrial; i++)
  printf("  coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: "
         "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",

The FFT_SCALAR datatype is defined by fftMPI to be "double" (64-bit) or "float" (32-bit) for double-precision or single-precision FFTs.

The fft3d_get() functions retrieve the value of an internal public variable. The word(s) after "get" is the type of the variable as stored in the FFT class. The type is listed in the API section above for each variable. The 3 variants that return pointers also return the integer length of the returned vector as the last argument of the method.


type(c_ptr) :: fft    ! set by fft3d_create()
real(4), allocatable, target :: work(:)      ! single precision
real(8), allocatable, target :: work(:)      ! double precision
call fft3d_only_1d_ffts(fft,c_loc(work),1)
call fft3d_only_remaps(fft,c_loc(work),c_loc(work),1)
call fft3d_only_one_remap(fft,c_loc(work),c_loc(work),1,3) 

integer tmp,nlen real(8) memusage integer, pointer :: cflags(:) => null() integer, pointer :: eflags(:) => null() integer, pointer :: pflags(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tfft(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: t1d(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tremap(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tremap1(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tremap2(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tremap3(:) => null() real(8), pointer :: tremap4(:) => null() character(c_char), pointer :: libstr(:) => null() character(c_char), pointer :: precstr(:) => null() type(c_ptr) :: ptr

ptr = fft3d_get_string(fft,"fft1d"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,libstr,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_string(fft,"precision"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,precstr,nlen) print *,"3d FFTs with ",libstr," library, precision = ",precstr

memusage = 1.0*fft3d_get_int64(fft,"memusage"//c_null_char) / 1024/1024 print *,"Memory usage (per-proc) by fftMPI =",memusage,"MBytes"

ntrial = fft3d_get_int(fft,"ntrial"//c_null_char) npertrial = fft3d_get_int(fft,"npertrial"//c_null_char) print *,"Tuning trials & iterations:",ntrial,npertrial ptr = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"cflags"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,cflags,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"eflags"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,eflags,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_int_vector(fft,"pflags"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,pflags,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tfft"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tfft,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"t1d"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,t1d,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tremap,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap1"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tremap1,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap2"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tremap2,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap3"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tremap3,nlen) ptr = fft3d_get_double_vector(fft,"tremap4"//c_null_char,nlen) call c_f_pointer(ptr,tremap4,nlen) do i = 1,ntrial print *," coll exch pack 3dfft 1dfft remap r1 r2 r3 r4:", & cflags(i),eflags(i),pflags(i),tfft(i),t1d(i),tremap(i), & tremap1(i),tremap2(i),tremap3(i),tremap4(i) enddo

The fft3d_get() functions retrieve the value of an internal public variable. The word(s) after "get" is the type of the variable as stored in the FFT class. The type is listed in the API section above for each variable. The 3 variants that return pointers also return the integer length of the returned vector as the last argument of the method.

Note how a NULL character (c_null_char) must be appended to the strings passed as an argument in the get() functions, in order for fftMPI to use them properly as C-style strings.


import numpy as np
work = np.zeros(2*fftsize,np.float32)    # single precision
work = np.zeros(2*fftsize,np.float)      # double precision 
print "3d FFTs with %s library, precision = %s" %   (fft.get_string("fft1d"),fft.get_string("precision")) 
print "Memory usage (per-proc) by fftMPI = %g MBytes" %   (float(fft.get_int64("memusage")) / 1024/1024) 

ntrial = fft.get_int("ntrial") npertrial = fft.get_int("npertrial") print "Tuning trials & iterations: %d %d" % (ntrial,npertrial) for i in range(ntrial): print " coll exch pack 3dFFT 1dFFT remap r1 r2 r3 r4: " + "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g" % (fft.get_int_vector("cflags")i,fft.get_int_vector("eflags")i, fft.get_int_vector("pflags")i,fft.get_double_vector("tfft")i, fft.get_double_vector("t1d")i,fft.get_double_vector("tremap")i, fft.get_double_vector("tremap1")i, fft.get_double_vector("tremap2")i, fft.get_double_vector("tremap3")i, fft.get_double_vector("tremap4")i)

The "fft" object is created by instantiating an instance of the FFT3dMPI class.

The get() functions retrieve the value of an internal public variable. The word(s) after "get" is the type of the variable as stored in the FFT class. The type is listed in the API section above for each variable.