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3. Basics of using

The previous section describes how to install and run and the various software it uses. After has started you should see a ">" prompt. The following sections describe what comes next:

3.1 Python syntax
3.2 command line arguments
3.3 extensions to the Python interpreter
3.4 Using tools
3.5 Runnning and Python scripts
3.6 Error messages

3.1 Python syntax

Aside from its tools, itself simply adds a bit of functionality to the Python interpreter to enable it to more easily launch shell commands and scripts and invoke its tools.'s ">" prompt is different from Python's ">>>" prompt to indicate the extra functionality is available, but you can type any Python command you would type at the Python prompt.

Python is a powerful scripting and programming language, similar in scope and universality to Perl. This little manual cannot attempt to teach you how to use Python, its syntax, or its rich set of powerful built-in commands. If you only use the extra tools provided by, you can think of as an application with a self-contained set of commands. However, if you learn more about Python, you will be able to write more powerful scripts, access and manipulate data stored inside tools, or even add your own commands and tools, which need not have anything to do with LAMMPS or ChemCell.

You can learn about Python at My most-used Python book is Essential Python by Dave Beazley which assumes some programming experience but covers both the basics of Python and its many powerful libraries in a well-written, concise manner.

3.2 command line arguments

When running, several command-line options can be added as switches, e.g. switch args switch args ... 
-s silent (else print start-up help)
-t log dump raster load only these tools
-x raster rasmol load all tools except these
-f file arg1 arg2 run script file with args
-c "vec = range(100)" run Python command
-q quit (else interactive)

Switches can appear in any order and be used multiple times. The -f scripts and -c commands are executed in the order they appear. Script files are Python files which can contain Python or tool commands. looks for script files in 3 places: your current working directory, the pizza/scripts directory, and any extra directories you list in the src/ file. This means you can add your own scripts to pizza/scripts or to directories of your choosing.

Note that the arguments of the -f switch file (arg1,arg2,etc) cannot begin with a single "-" or they will be interpreted as arguments to They can however begin with a double "--".

Also note that the argument of the -c switch will typically need to be enclosed in quotes to avoid being interpreted by the shell. This also allows multiple Python commands to be separated by semi-colons, e.g.

-c "a = range(100); print a" 

3.3 extensions to the Python interpreter

As mentioned above, the standard Python syntax is extended a bit at the ">" interactive prompt. These options were inspired by the code of Nathan Gray, which taught me how to extend the Python interpreter. These are the short-cuts:

? print help message
?? one-line for each tool and script
? raster list tool commands or script syntax
?? full documentation of tool or script
!ls -l shell command
@cd .. cd to a new directory
@log tmp.log log all commands typed so far to file
@run arg1 arg2 run script file with args
@time d = dump("*.dump") time a command

Shell commands begun with a "!" can include the redirection operators "<" or ">". The shell command "!cd" will not change directories permanently; use the "@cd" short-cut instead. Any short-cut command starting with "@" can be abbreviated with one or more letters. E.g. "@r" is the same as "@run". The @log command requires that the Python readline library be available on your system.

Each of the above short-cuts can be performed by native Python commands; they are just not as simple to type. Here is how several of the short-cuts can be written in Python, which is what you need to do in a script, since the above short-cuts only work at the interactive prompt:

Short-cut Native Python
!ls -l sys.command("ls -l")
@cd .. os.chdir("..")
@run execfile("")
CTRL-D sys.exit()

3.4 Using tools

The tools that adds to Python are each implemented as a single Python class (e.g. dump, log, raster), so the first step in using a tool is to create an instance of the class (an object). Each class defines a set of methods (functions) that operate on the objects you create and their associated data. Each method, including the constructor, takes zero or more arguments, which may be previously created objects. In practical terms, this means that you type commands like this:

d = dump("dump.*")
p = pdb("my.pdb",d)
dnew = dump("dump.all") 

The first 2 commands create dump and pdb objects named "d" and "p" respectively. The "d" and "p" are Python variable names; you could use any names you wish: "dump12" or "Dump_mine" or whatever. The 3rd line invokes the "many" method within the pdb class for the pdb object "p". This method writes out a series of PDB files using the snapshots in "d" which was passed to "p" when it was created. The final command creates a new dump object "dnew" from another dump file. You can create and manage as many objects (of the same or different classes) simultaneously as you wish. If the last line assigned the object to "d", the original dump object with the same name would be deleted by Python.

Various tools create temporary files as they operate. These are all named tmp.*. does not clean up all of these files, since they are sometimes useful to look at for debugging or other purposes.

Python syntax allows for powerful combinations of tools to be invoked in one or a few commands. For example

lg = log("log.*")
m = matlab()

could be abbreviated as


With the -c command line switch, this one-liner could be specified when is launched. This example also illustrates that created objects (like the plotview object) do not need to be assigned to variables if they will not be accessed in subsequent commands.

3.5 Running and Python scripts

A file containing Python and/or commands can be executed as a script and arguments can be passed to it (if desired). The script can be run in several different ways:

(1) From the command line

% pizza -f script.sample file.test 10 ... 

(2) From the interactive prompt

> @run script.sample file.test 10 ... 

(3) From the Python command line

% python -i script.sample file.test 10 ... 

(4) From a shell prompt with #!/usr/local/bin/python -i as 1st line of script

% script.sample arg1 arg2 ... 

(5) From the Python interactive prompt

>>> argv = 0,"file.test","10",...
>>> execfile("script.sample") 

(6) As a nested script from within another Python or script file

argv = 0,"file.test","10",...

The interpreter short-cut commands described in the next section cannot be used in a script file.

There are 2 additional issues to address in your script files.

(A) First, if the script uses commands and you want to run it from Python itself (methods 3,4,5,6), then your script should import the necessary tools directly. E.g. if your script uses the log and matlab tools, you would put these lines at the top:

from log import log
from matlab import matlab 

This is OK to do even if the script will be run by since it doesn't matter that already imported the tools. Note that if you do this, you can then give your script file and the Python tool *.py files it uses to someone who doesn't have and they can run your script with their Python.

(B) Second, if your script takes arguments and you want the same script to run identically for all 6 methods, then you need to include this line at the beginning of the script:

if not globals().has_key("argv"): argv = sys.argv 

This will enable the arguments to be accessed in the script as argv1 for the 1st argument, argv2 for the 2nd, etc.

This works because in methods 3,4 Python stores the script arguments in sys.argv and the script name in sys.argv0. The above line of Python code copies sys.argv to argv. When runs the script (methods 1,2) it loads the arguments directly into the "argv" variable. Methods 5,6 load the arguments into argv explicitly before executing the script via execfile(). In this case argv0 is a dummy argument to conform with the Python convention for sys.argv.

Also note in methods 5,6 that all arguments such as "10" must be strings even if they are numeric values, since this is the way they are passed to the script in methods 1,2,3,4.

As an example of the flexibility enabled by combining scripts, arguments, and command-line options in, consider the 3-line example of the previous sub-section. We modify the script as follows and save it as

files = ' '.join(argv1:)   # create one string from list of filenames
lg = log(files)
m = matlab()

If an alias is defined in your shell start-up file, such as

alias logview ~/pizza/src/ -f 

then you can type the following one-liner at the shell prompt to invoke on the script with a list of files you specfiy.

% logview log.1 log.2 ... 

A set of plots and a control GUI will appear on your screen.

3.6 Error messages

If you mistype a or Python command or pass an invalid argument to a tool method, an error message will be printed by Python. Usually these will be self-explanatory. Sometimes they will point to a line of code inside a tool which Python was unable to execute successfully. This could be because you passed the wrong arguments to the tool, the data the tool is operating on is invalid, or because there's a bug in the tool. In the latter case, please figure out as much as you can about the bug and email a description and the necessary files to reproduce the bug in the simplest possible way to