fftMPI documentation

API for all Remap methods

These methods work with instances of the Remap3d and Remap2d classes. They just perform data remaps of a 3d or 2d array, but not FFTs. The FFT3d and FFT2d classes intstantiate and use their own Remap classes to perform a data remap, which mean to move data to new processors and reorder it. The Remap classes can be used by themselves if your application needs to remap data for its own purposes.

Currently the Remap classes only work with floating point data (32-bit or 64-bit). Each datum in a distributed 3d or 2d grid can be 1 or more floating point values. E.g. the FFT classes use the Remap classes with 2 values (real, imaginary) per grid point. Note that you could remap a 4 or higher dimension grid of floating point values if you are willing to store it as a distributed 3d grid with multiple contiguous values for the higher dimensions. We may add a capability for remapping generalized data types (e.g. ints or structs) in the future.

All of the Remap methods are similar to corresponding FFT methods. The code examples are for 3d Remaps. Just replace "3d" by "2d" for 2d Remaps.

As with the FFT classes, multiple instances of the Remap can be instantiated by the calling program, e.g. if you need to define Remaps wtih different input or output distributions of data across processors. The MPI communicator argument for the constructor defines the set of processors which share the Remap data and perform the parallel Remap.


Remap3d(MPI_Comm comm, int precision);     // constructor
~Remap3d();                                // destructor 
int collective = 0/1 = point/all (default = 1)             // 3 variables
int packflag = array/ptr/memcpy = 0/1/2 (default = 2)
int memoryflag = 0/1 (default = 1) 
void setup(int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo,             // 3d version
           int in_jhi, int in_klo, int in_khi,
           int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, 
           int out_jhi, int out_klo, int out_khi,
           int nqty, int permute, int memoryflag,
           int &sendsize, int &recvsize) 
void setup(int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo, int in_jhi,     // 2d version
           int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, int out_jhi,
           int nqty, int permute, int memoryflag,
           int &sendsize, int &recvsize) 
void remap(FFT_SCALAR *in, FFT_SCALAR *out, FFT_SCALAR sendbuf, FFT_SCALAR recvbuf); 

The Remap3d() and ~Remap3d() methods create and destroy an instance of the Remap3d class.

The comm argument is an MPI communicator. The precision argument is 1 for single-precision (32-bit floating point numbers) and 2 for double-precision (64-bit floating point numbers). The precision is checked by the fftMPI library to insure it was compiled with a matching precision. See the compile doc page for how to compile fftMPI for single versus double precision.

The "collective, packflag, memoryflag" lines are public variables within the Remap class which can be set to enable option. All of them have reasonable default settings. So you typically don't need to reset them. If reset, they must be set before the setup() call. Once setup() is invoked, changing them has no effect.

The meaning of the variables is exactly the same as for the FFT classes. See the setup API doc page for an explanation. Note that for remaps, the collective variable has only two settings (0,1). There is no collective = 2 option like there is for FFTs.

The setup() method can only be called once. Only the 3d case is illustrated below for each language; the 2d analogs should be clear.

The meaning of the "in/out ijk lo/hi" indices is exactly the same as for the FFT setup() method, as explained on the setup API doc page (with examples). Note that unlike for FFTs, the sizes of each dimension of the global 3d (nfast,nmid,nslow) or 2d grid (nfast,nslow) are not arguments to the Remap setup() method. However the "in/out ijk lo/hi" indices define the same tiles of the 3d or 2d global grid that each processor owns before and after the remap operation.

As explained on the layout doc page, a tile is a brick in 3d or rectangle in 2d. Each index can range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is the corresponding global grid dimension. The lo/hi indices are the first and last point (in that dimension) that the processor owns. If a processor owns no grid point (e.g. on input), then its lo index (in one or more dimensions) should be one larger than its hi index.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When calling the Remap classes from Fortran, the index ranges are from 1 to N inclusive, not 0 to N-1.

As also explained on the layout doc page, the "in/out ijk lo/hi" indices do NOT refer to dimensions x or y or z in a spatial sense. Rather they refer to the ordering of grid points in the caller's memory for the 3d "brick" of grid points that each processor owns. The points in the nfast dimension are consecutive in memory, points in the nmid dimension are separated by stride nfast in memory, and points in the nslow dimension are separated by stride nfast*nmid. For remaps, the nfast, nmid, nslow global grid size (or nfast, nslow in 2d) are not input arguments, but they are implied by the input and output tilings.

The "nqty" argument is the number of floating point values per grid point. The FFT classes call the Remap classes with nqty=2 for a complex value (real, imaginary) per grid point.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is up to the calling app to insure that a valid tiling of the global grid across all processors is passed to fftMPI. As explained on the layout doc page, "valid" means that every grid point is owned by a unique processor and the union of all the tiles is the global grid.

Finally, the permute argument triggers a permutation in storage order of fast/mid/slow for the remap output, the same as for FFT output for the FFT setup() method. A value of 0 means no permutation. A value of 1 means permute once = mid->fast, slow->mid, fast->slow. A value of 2 means permute twice = slow->fast, fast->mid, mid->slow. For 2d remaps, the only allowed permute values are 0,1.

The returned sendsize and recvsize are the length of buffers needed to perform the MPI sends and receives for the data remapping operation. If the memoryflag variable is set to 1 (the default), fftMPI will allocate these buffers. The caller can ignore sendsize and recvsize. If the memoryflag variable is set to 0, the caller must allocate the two buffers of these lengths and pass them as arguments to the remap() method, as explained next.

For the remap() method, The FFT_SCALAR datatype is defined by fftMPI to be "double" (64-bit) or "float" (32-bit) for double-precision or single-precision FFTs.

The "in" pointer is the input data to the remap, stored as a 1d vector of contiguous memory for the grid points this processor owns.

The "out" pointer is the output data from the remap, also stored as a 1d vector of contiguous memory for the grid points this processor owns.


#include "remap3d.h"
using namespace FFTMPI_NS; 
MPI_Comm world = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
int precision = 2; 
Remap3d *remap = new Remap3d(world,precision);
delete remap; 
int cflag,pflag,mflag;
int in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi;
int out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi;
int nqty,permute,memoryflag,sendsize,recvsize; 
remap->collective = cflag;
remap->packflag = pflag;
remap->memoryflag = mflag; 
int insize = (in_ihi-in_ilo+1) * (in_jhi-in_jlo+1) * (in_khi-in_klo+1);
int outsize = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1);
int remapsize = (insize > outsize) ? insize : outsize;
FFT_SCALAR *work = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(remapsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
FFT_SCALAR *sendbuf = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(sendsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
FFT_SCALAR *recvbuf = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(recvsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR)); 

The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.

The FFT_SCALAR datatype is defined by fftMPI to be "double" (64-bit) or "float" (32-bit) for double-precision or single-precision FFTs.


#include "remap3d_wrap.h" 
MPI_Comm world = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
int precision = 2; 
void *remap;
int cflag,pflag,mflag;
int in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi;
int out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi;
int nqty,permute,memoryflag,sendsize,recvsize; 
int insize = (in_ihi-in_ilo+1) * (in_jhi-in_jlo+1) * (in_khi-in_klo+1);
int outsize = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1);
int remapsize = (insize > outsize) ? insize : outsize;
FFT_SCALAR *work = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(remapsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
FFT_SCALAR *sendbuf = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(sendsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
FFT_SCALAR *recvbuf = (FFT_SCALAR *) malloc(recvsize*sizeof(FFT_SCALAR)); 

The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.

The FFT_SCALAR datatype is defined by fftMPI to be "double" (64-bit) or "float" (32-bit) for double-precision or single-precision FFTs.


include 'mpif.h'
use iso_c_binding
use remap3d_wrap 
integer world,precision
type(c_ptr) :: remap 
precision = 2 
call remap3d_create(world,precision,remap)
call remap3d_destroy(remap) 
integer cflag,pflag,mflag
integer in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi
integer out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi
integer nqty,permute,memoryflag,sendsize,recvsize 
call remap3d_set(remap,"collective",cflag)
call remap3d_set(remap,"pack",pflag)
call remap3d_set(remap,"memory",mflag) 
call remap3d_setup(remap,nfast,nmid,nslow, &
                   in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi, &
                   out_ilo,out_ihi,out_jlo,out_jhi,out_klo,out_khi, &
integer insize,outsize,remapsize
real(4), allocatable, target :: work(:),sendbuf(:),recvbuf(:)  ! single precision
real(8), allocatable, target :: work(:),sendbuf(:),recvbuf(:)  ! double precision
insize = (in_ihi-in_ilo+1) * (in_jhi-in_jlo+1) * (in_khi-in_klo+1)
outsize = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1)
remapsize = max(insize,outsize)
call remap3d_remap(remap,c_loc(work),c_loc(work),c_loc(sendbuf),c_loc(recvbuf)) 

For Fortran, the "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices then range from 1 to N inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow. Unlike the other languages discussed on this page where the indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive.


import numpy as np
from fftmpi import Remap3dMPI
from mpi4py import MPI 
precision = 2 
remap = Remap3dMPI(world,precision)
del remap 
cflag = 1
pflag = 0
sendsize,recvsize =    remap.setup(nfast,nmid,nslow,in_ilo,in_ihi,in_jlo,in_jhi,in_klo,in_khi,
insize = (in_ihi-in_ilo+1) * (in_jhi-in_jlo+1) * (in_khi-in_klo+1)
outsize = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1)
remapsize = max(insize,outsize)
work = np.zeros(remapsize,np.float32)     # single precision
sendbuf = np.zeros(sendsize,np.float32)
recvbuf = np.zeros(recvsize,np.float32)
work = np.zeros(remapsize,np.float)       # double precision
sendbuf = np.zeros(sendsize,np.float)
recvbuf = np.zeros(sendsize,np.float) 

The "in i/j/k lo/hi" indices range from 0 to N-1 inclusive, where N is nfast, nmid, or nslow.