CSlib documentation

Create and destroy the library

These calls create an instance of the CSlib and later destroy it.


CSlib(int csflag, char *mode, void *ptr, MPI_Comm *pworld);

The ptr argument is different for different modes, as explained below.


#include "cslib.h"                  // header file for CSlib 
int csflag = 0;                     // 0 for client, 1 for server
char *mode = "file";                // "file" or "zmq" or "mpi/one" or "mpi/two", see below
char *ptr = "tmp.couple";           // filename or socket ID or MPI communicator, see below 
MPI_Comm world = MPI_COMM_WORLD;    // MPI communicator 
CSlib *cs = new CSlib(csflag,mode,ptr,NULL);     // serial usage
CSlib *cs = new CSlib(csflag,mode,ptr,&world);   // parallel usage 
delete cs; 

Note the following details of the C++ syntax:


#include "cslib_wrap.h"                   // header file for C interface to CSlib 

Same argument declarations and notes as above for C++.

void *cs; // pointer to CSlib instance, used in all calls

cslib_open(csflag,mode,ptr,NULL,cs);      // serial usage
cslib_open(csflag,mode,ptr,&world,cs);    // parallel usage 


use iso_c_binding ! C-style data types and functions for Fortran use CSlib_wrap ! F90 interface to CSlib

type(c_ptr) :: cs                          ! pointer to CSlib instance, used in all calls
integer :: csflag = 0
character(len=32) :: mode = "file"
character(len=32) :: txt = "tmp.couple"
integer, target :: world,both
call cslib_open_fortran(csflag,trim(mode)//c_null_char, &
          trim(txt)//c_null_char,c_null_ptr,cs)              ! serial usage
call cslib_open_fortran(csflag,trim(mode)//c_null_char, &
          trim(txt)//c_null_char,c_loc(world),cs)            ! parallel usage 
call cslib_open_fortran_mpi_one(csflag,trim(mode)//c_null_char, &
          c_loc(both),c_loc(world),cs)                       ! parallel usage for mode = mpi/one 
call cslib_close(cs) 

Note the following details of the Fortran syntax:


from cslib import CSlib                # Python wrapper on CSlib
from mpi4py import MPI              # Python wrapper on MPI 
csflag = 0
mode = "file"
ptr = "tmp.couple"
cs = CSlib(csflag,mode,ptr,None)       # serial usage
cs = CSlib(csflag,mode,ptr,world)      # parallel usage 
del cs                                 # not really needed, Python cleans up 

Here are more details about the CSlib constructor arguments.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The client and server apps must specify all the following arguments consistently in order to communicate. The CSlib has no way to detect if this is done incorrectly, since the two apps run as separate executables. The apps will likely just hang or even crash if that happens.

The csflag argument determines whether the app is the client or the server. Use csflag = 0 if the app is a client, csflag = 1 if the app is a server.

Mode can be one of 4 options. Both apps must use the same mode. The choice of mode determines how the ptr argument is specified.

For mode = "file" = the 2 apps communicate via binary files. The ptr argument is a filename which can include a path, e.g. ptr = "subdir/tmp.couple" or ptr = "/home/user/tmpdir/dummy1". Files that begin with this filename will be written, read, and deleted as messaging is performed. The filename must be the same for both the client and server app. For parallel apps running on a large parallel machine, this must be a path/filename visible to both the client and server, e.g. on the front-end or on a parallel filesystem. It should not be on a node's local filesystem if the proc 0 of the two apps run on different nodes. If the CSlib is instantiated multiple times (see this section for use cases), the filename must be unique for each pair of client/server couplings.

For mode = "zmq" = the 2 apps communicate via a socket. The ptr argument is different for the client and server apps. For the client app, ptr is the IP address (IPv4 format) or the DNS name of the machine the server app is running on, followed by a port ID for the socket, separated by a colon. E.g.

ptr = "localhost:5555"        # client and server running on same machine
ptr = ""      # server is
ptr = "deptbox.uni.edu:5555"  # server is deptbox.uni.edu 

For the server, the socket is on the macjhine the server app is running on, so ptr is simply

ptr = "*:5555" 

where "*" represents all available interfaces on this machine, and 5555 is the port ID. Note that the port (5555 in this example) must be specified as the same value by the client and server apps.

Note that the client and server can run on different machines, separated geographically, so long as the server accepts incoming TCP requests on the specified port.

TODO: Still need to answer these Qs

If the CSlib is instantiated multiple times, (see this section for use cases), the port ID (5555 in this example) must be unique for each pair of client/server couplings.

For mode = "mpi/one" or mode = "mpi/two", the 2 apps communicate via MPI.

For "mpi/one", the ptr argument is a pointer to the MPI communicator that spans both apps, while the pworld argument (discussed below) is a pointer to the MPI communcator for just the client or server app. This means the two apps must split the spanning communicator before instantiating the CSlib, as discussed below. The same as for pworld discussed below, the ptr argument is NOT the MPI communicator itself, but a pointer to it.

For "mpi/two", the ptr argument is a filename created (then deleted) for a one-time small exchange of information by the client and server to setup an MPI inter-communicator for messaging between them. As with the file mode, the filename can contain a path, and the same filename must be specified by the client and server. On a large parallel machine, this must be a path/filename visible to both the client and server. If the CSlib is instantiated multiple times (see this section for use cases), the filename must be unique for each pair of client/server couplings.

For more discussion on how to specify the mode and ptr arguments when running client and server apps in different scenarios (on a desktop, on two different machines, on a cluster or supercomputer), see this section.

The pworld argument determines whether the app uses the CSlib in serial versus parallel. Use pworld = NULL for serial use. For parallel use, the app initializes MPI and runs within an MPI communicator. Typically this communicator is MPI_COMM_WORLD, however depending on how you intend to call and use the CSlib it could be a sub-communicator. The latter is always the case if mode = "mpi/one". See the important note below.

Pworld is passed to the CSlib as a pointer to the communicator the app is running on. Note that pworld is NOT the MPI communicator itself, rather a pointer to it. This allows it to be specified as NULL for serial use of the CSlib. Thus if MPI_COMM_WORLD is the communicator, the app can do something like this, as shown in the C++ code example above:

MPI_Comm world = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
CSlib *cs = new CSlib(csflag,"zmq",port,&world); 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If mode = "mpi/one" then both the client and server app are running within the same MPI communicator which spans both the client and server processors, typically MPI_COMM_WORLD. That spanning communicator is passed as the ptr argument, as dicsussed above. In this case, pworld is the sub-communicator for the processors the client or server app is running on. To create the two sub-communicators, both apps must invoke MPI_Comm_split() before instantiating the CSlib. Note that the MPI_Comm_split() call is synchronous; all processors in BOTH the client and server apps must call it.

Example code for doing this in various langautes is given in this section.

When an app has completed its messaging, it should destroy its instance of the CSlib, freeing the memory it has allocated internally. The syntax for this operation is shown in the code examples at the top of this page.

When using mode = "mpi/one", the app should also free the sub-communicator it created, as in the code examples given in this section for splitting the MPI communicator.